Category Archives: Muse Medicine Updates

Exciting Changes

So I’ve been maintaining this blog as my health and time allow for a couple of years now. I looked back over the statistics and realized that despite my health hiatuses and extended periods of forgetting this place exists over … Continue reading

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The Muse is Reborn

Well, after many moons of trying to put the Muse Medicine posts in amongst the detritus of my private blog, I’ve decided to separate it back out so that those of you who are interested in Muse Medicine but not necessarily my … Continue reading

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Unfortunate News

Hello everybody out there who reads this blog. As you can see, I’ve been very hit or miss with posting lately. I’ve got a boat load of good excuses, most of which revolve around my health or my husband’s, but … Continue reading

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Excuses, excuses… And a list of what’s to come

My apologies, guys, for the little Muse Med hiatus. I’ve been dealing with some real life health problems over the last couple of months and it sort of got away from me. But! I’ve gotten a little back-log of questions … Continue reading

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General Info: Comments

Comments are always welcome on this blog. I have moderation turned on to reduce spam from companies that web-crawl and look for topics to sell their products. If you want help finding more information on a topic, have questions, want … Continue reading

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