Covering my Bootay
This blog is written for the purpose of informing writers for realism in fiction. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, advise, or assist real people or animals who have real problems. If you have a problem not related to fiction, please see the appropriate practicing doctor, legal counsel, or veterinarian!
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Author Archives: arizela
Cuts on the inner forearm
A question recently hit my in-box from an author who has a character being tortured for information. In the scenario, the author intended to have the protagonist “stabbed on the inside of his forearm and the knife gets dragged through … Continue reading
Rib Injuries
Question: What are the differences, symptoms, severity, and complications of rib injuries, and how much do they hurt? Ah, ribs. Those grand old things that protect all your most vital organs. What lay-people generally think of as a ribcage aren’t … Continue reading
Official Cause of Death
A question recently hit my inbox about what the official cause of death would be listed as on a death certificate of a person who died of cancer. As I don’t deal much with that end (pun not intended) of … Continue reading
Hollywood Flub-Ups: watering the unconscious
In this repeating column, I will explain how Hollywood (and various TV mini-series and shows) get it all too wrong. Our first culprit: Legend of the Seeker (and yes, I know it sucks. Bare with me here) The great wizard, … Continue reading