The Muse is Reborn

Well, after many moons of trying to put the Muse Medicine posts in amongst the detritus of my private blog, I’ve decided to separate it back out so that those of you who are interested in Muse Medicine but not necessarily my personal and writing stuff can get your fix without having to wade through other things.

I’ve also discovered the import feature from WordPress, so all the old Muse Medicine posts from are now available here as well.

Over the coming months, expect to see more Muse posts, both medical and guest posts from experts in other fields. If you are an expert in another field and would like to contribute to this blog, please let me know!

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Magical Healing Systems

So I’ve been considering a few things lately. Given my background as a nurse and my understanding of the way the human body works, I’ve been wondering if “magical healing” should have parameters, and if so, what they’d be.

Obviously this question is very dependent on your world-building and on what you foresee for your own story, but here are a few things to consider if you decide to introduce a magical healing system into your fiction.

  • Blood loss – does the healing automatically restore lost blood? If so, the recipient would be just dandy, but if not, you may want to explore the symptoms of anemia (low blood levels) and possibly dehydration. These include weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, quickly tiring with exertion of any type, a pale appearance, and thirst. Symptoms would gradually improve over time, given that the person had available water and foods with sufficient protein, vitamin C, and other nutrients to replenish.
  • Muscle wasting – if you’ve ever had a cast on for a few weeks, you know how quickly lack of mobility can strip a limb down to a weak, scrawny looking version of itself. If your recipient of healing has been down a while, days to weeks, even healing the wounds or injuries may not restore their full strength and mobility.
  • Conservation of energy and matter – depending on where the “energy” for your magic system is coming from, the severity of the recipient’s injuries may need to be accounted for. A quick injury that is just basic broken tissue may be much easier to fix than a chronic illness, missing limb, etc..
  • Infection – does your magic system work by speeding up cellular growth? If that’s the case, magic added to an already infected wound might have unintended results of spreading or worsening the infection.
  • Non-specific injuries or illnesses – can your magic cure plagues? colds? unknown fevers or belly pain? Or does it work best when the healer can see or touch the damaged tissue?

My characters are powerful, but not godlike and unlimited. Limitations are what give characters the drive to innovate and succeed, and what make them feel “human” to the reader. I’m sure there are dozens more considerations unique to any given story, but understanding how a system of magic works in regards to these specific questions really helps keep my stories on track.


What sorts of considerations do you take when dealing with limiting what characters can and cannot do with magic?

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Quicky: Medicinal Uses of Bees

Short post here (believe it or not).

So I was talking to some writer friends today about the medicinal properties of honey. Yep, good old honey. Not the mostly-corn syrup crap they try to pass off as honey in the grocery aisles half the time, but the real thing.

Honey has been a home remedy for a VERY long time, and recently modern Western medicine has taken a new look at this natural miracle. Of course, not all things that are “natural” are good for you – hemlock, nightshade, and sulfuric acid are 100% all natural, too. But in this case, natural honey really does help to prevent infections in minor wounds. With powerful anti-bacterial properties and its acidic pH, honey is a very real remedy.


And the medicinal uses of bees doesn’t end with their pollen by-products. Bee sting therapy is an alternative therapy in some neuromuscular disorders. Bees release a mild muscle relaxant upon stinging that can be beneficial in disorders like multiple sclerosis and certain palsies. Of course, modern Africanized bees wouldn’t really be recommended.

** Don’t forget. This information is presented for fiction ONLY. Do not try these methods at home or anywhere else but the pages of your fiction.**

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The Body Electric

Question came up in one of the writer’s chats I visit yesterday:

What would happen if a major jolt of electricity passed through the brain?

A major jolt passing through the brain wouldn’t be dissimilar to passing a major jolt of electricity across the CPU of a computer. Chances are good that some smoking and very little thinking would follow. Execution by electric chair confirms that massive doses of electricity are lethal in humans, however, there are reports of humans surviving major jolts, such as in the case of lightning strike, though it’s unlikely that the current passed directly through the brain or heart.

Small doses of electricity, however, are actually used to treat the human body in a number of ways. We’ve all seen the exciting rescue (or attempt anyway) of folks on TV whose hearts have stopped working correctly. Here are a few of the ways electricity can save or improve lives:

  • Cardioversion – this is a medical term meaning to convert the heart rhythm (with the intent of converting it back to a normal (sinus) rhythm. This is a life-saving procedure that can be performed in a hospital or by an ambulance crew, or anywhere an AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is present. The AED is particularly good at saving lives, as many large public places now keep one around. In the event of a heart attack or other heart arrhythmia (abnormal rhythm of beats), there is a 3-5 minute window during which use of an AED gives a very good chance of survival without brain injury. Every minute after that window, the risk of brain injury increases and the chance of survival decreases. Effective CPR can extend this window slightly. The “dosage” of electricity varies by age, but in adults the usual dose is 300 joules or less. In order to direct current across the heart, the two pads that deliver a shock are placed in the upper right chest and below the heart on the left lower chest. Metal jewelry on the chest can interfere with and divert this path, making the shocks ineffective and causing skin burns. The reason people shout “clear” or “stand clear” before delivering a shock is because if someone is touching the victim/patient, it could also divert the current and cause a second victim and an uncorrected heart.

Pet Peeve Alert:

Hollywood tends to screw this one up. If the rhythm is flat-line with the high-pitched alarm noise, also known as asystole (Ay-sis-tuh-lee), the heart cannot be shocked back into action. In that situation in a real “code” or hospital emergency, medications like epinephrine would be used in an attempt to restart the heart to some other rhythm prior to shocking.

  • Pacemakers – a pacemaker is a small machine about an 1/2-1 inch thick and a couple of inches in diameter. It is implanted into the chest of a person who has frequent arrhythmia. The most common arrhythmia treated with pacemaker is bradycardia, or very slow heart rate (less than 50 beats a minute). In some cases, when a too-fast arrhythmia can’t be controlled with medication, a surgeon will do a procedure called “ablation” which destroys the portion of the heart that is emitting the inappropriate signals, and then implant a pacemaker to take over the job. Ablation therapy often has to be repeated after a period of time, because unless the node (electrical generator in the heart) is completely destroyed, there is a chance of it becoming more active over time or regenerating. Pacemakers also require frequent monitoring, adjustment, and reprogramming, and must be replaced on a regular basis about every 5-7 years.
  • ECT or electroconvulsive therapy – this treatment has gotten a bad rap over the years. ECT uses a much smaller dose of electricity (maximum 100 joules) and passes it directly across the brain. Modern ECT is done under careful observation and sedation, and is used to treat various psychiatric disorders that are not amenable to treatment with medications, including severe depression. ECT intentionally causes a grand mal seizure, which is a large part of it’s bad reputation. Grand mal seizures can be disturbing to watch. Here’s a video (warning, graphic). The purpose of ECT is similar to the purpose of cardioversion – to restart something that is misfiring, in this case, the brain. ECT remains somewhat controversial.
  • Implanted electrodes – these electrodes monitor the electrical activity in the brain. Used in the treatment of intractable seizures (which cannot be controlled via medication alone). They are implanted in specific brain structures and left in while the person is carefully monitored for seizure activity. This guides later surgery to remove the misfiring portion of the brain. Surgeries of this nature vary in their success rates according to the type of procedure, but most patients experience relief from seizures.

As with many life saving techniques, cardioversion and ECT can cause more harm than good if performed on an individual who does not need them. Cardioversion can create an abnormal rhythm in someone whose heart is working fine. ECT can alter brainwaves and thinking patterns in someone whether or not suffering from depression or other psychiatric problems. Modern use of therapeutic electrical shock is accompanied by sedation and pain relief medications, except in cases of life-threatening emergency when there is inadequate time to sedate. Electricity can also cause severe burns, muscle damage, and extreme pain if performed incorrectly or if the path of electricity is not directed properly through one of the electrical structures of the body (brain and heart being the big two).  Thus, electrical shocks have been the basis for torture and execution since shortly after the invention of man-made electricity.

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Unfortunate News

Hello everybody out there who reads this blog. As you can see, I’ve been very hit or miss with posting lately. I’ve got a boat load of good excuses, most of which revolve around my health or my husband’s, but none of them are going to post for me. Unfortunately, I just don’t have time right now to deal with the sort of highly-researched general posts that this blog was created to share.

So after a year and a half of trying to keep it up, I’m afraid I’ll be calling it quits for a while.

Hopefully, this is a temporary closure, and I’ll leave the site up so that the older articles can still be accessed. Feel free to continue to shoot me emails with writing questions, as most of those I can answer informally on a fairly quick basis. I’d be more than happy to continue to share my expertise with all of you as my time and health permit. Again, you can reach me at muse @ (take out the spaces).

Keeping this blog and answering general questions that hit my email have been a lot of fun for me. Some of the questions led me to consider things I had never studied and others kept my adult nursing knowledge fresh. Unfortunately, life sometimes intervenes in the best of plans. Good luck to you all in writing and for the future.


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