Monthly Archives: October 2008

Alcoholism: Long-term Effects and Withdrawal

So your character has a habit. A bad habit. And of course, writing fiction is all about making the characters day a little more difficult. What better time to go cold turkey off the booze than the middle of an … Continue reading

Posted in Drugs | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Infection: Malaria

I vant to suck your blood! What better time than Halloween to be thinking about blood suckers. The one you see to the right is Anopheles mosquito, and its bite probably doesn’t even hurt, though it might itch later. 41% … Continue reading

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General Info: Comments

Comments are always welcome on this blog. I have moderation turned on to reduce spam from companies that web-crawl and look for topics to sell their products. If you want help finding more information on a topic, have questions, want … Continue reading

Posted in Muse Medicine Updates | 3 Comments

Character Psychology: PTSD

I write dark fantasy. Very, very dark fantasy. My characters go through hell and back on the page, and they genuinely suffer those events. Despite the most recent trend in fiction of the blase hero who shrugs off torture, maiming … Continue reading

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